About DAdams

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So far DAdams has created 66 blog entries.

How Do You Cope?

The other day at our support group, we talked about COPE.  Even dissected the word and came up with an acrostic. Here's some of what we came up with.... C:  coming together, capable, confidence O:  opportunity, optimism, overcoming P:  patience, prayer, persistence E:  enthusiasm, endurance, exceeding your goals So, I was wondering ... what would [...]

Second Chance to Live…

This past week, we attended the North America Brain Injury Society (NABIS) Conference in San Antonio.  Among key professionals in the field of brain injury, we met a fellow survivor determined to offer hope and encouragement....his name?  Craig Phillips When you have a quick second or a few minutes, check out his website.  It is [...]

National Brain Injury Awareness Month

As I reflect over the past 4 years since Hope After Brain Injury began, my heart smiles...I smile in memory of fighters that put 'normal' living to shame...I smile with sweet gratitude of the contribution that TBI survivors and their caregivers have made in this world...I smile because of your fortitude, grace, and powerful examples [...]

HABI Campaign

Sharing a little about what HABI Brain Aid and all the other UTA student groups have been up to for the past few months. We only have five days left until our campaigns end for this fundraiser -- we need to reach our financial goals -- we can do it with a little help from [...]

Walk for Brain Injury – An Amazing Event

A huge congratulations to Brain Injury Association-Texas division for hosting the 3rd Annual Walk for Brain Injury!  William Dane (BIA-TX) and Patti Davis (CNS) did a fabulous job organizing and creating a spectacular day! HUGE THANK YOU to Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Jaymie, and Amber--Dr. Shelley Wigley's UTA PR Marketing students!  They moved and grooved and shared [...]

Speaking with a Brain Injury Survivor…Practical Wisdom

Have you wondered how to speak to someone who recently suffered a brain injury? Patti Foster, a TBI survivor, shares practical wisdom from her own experience and working with brain injury survivors and their families. "Give him time...keep everything positive..talk to him like he's listening and understanding everything...slow down and soften your speaking a wee [...]

Who Won?

Rosa Blum celebrated her 86th birthday this week.  Originally from Romania, Holocaust survivor of Dachau and Aushwitz, Rosa said, "Hitler didn't win. I won."  Rosa, at age 14, suffered horrific atrocities from the World War II including a traumatic brain injury explains, "Israel became a State. I survived the concentration camp, married, had 2 sons [...]

Second Chance: My Life Time Journey

by Bob Lyons I have been told that in 1990, I fell down 2 flights of stairs and hit my head on a steel door at the bottom of the stairwell. I was rushed to the nearest Emergency Room where “intracranial surgery” was performed. I was in a deep coma from October 14th, until December [...]

Our Constant Companion

Not sure about you, but the holiday season is a mixture of joy and grief.  Thought this version of Psalm 23 would offer a different perspective...a bit of comfort and reassurance. Blessings to each of you! Psalm 23 The  Lord is my constant companion. There is no need that  He cannot fulfill. Whether His course [...]

See It Through

It's been a difficult few weeks.  Losing my dad and caring for my mother, survivor of multiple concussions among assorted other medical issues.  A new and very kind friend quoted this poem from Edgar Guest.  The Lord is our strength! See It Through By Edgar Albert Guest 1881–1959 When you’re up against a trouble, Meet [...]

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