About DAdams

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So far DAdams has created 66 blog entries.

Managing Fatigue

By Sara Joy Here are a few things I've learned the hard way that may help you in managing YOUR TBI fatigue: You are hardly going to be able to stand being around certain friends, for 5 minutes. Others, you will gravitate to like a balm. That's OK, they're just too overwhelming in their [...]

Dealing With(Out) Emotions

By Sara Joy Within 5 days of hitting my head on that black ice on Valentine's Day 2014, I didn't feel anything. I didn't even feel "Nothing". And that's the first thing I learned. "The Nothing" (To borrow from The Neverending Story) is an emptiness. A chasm. A lack. I didn't even detect that I [...]

Tips For Professionals Working with TBI

On Saturday, September 30, Patti Foster (www.PattiFoster.com) and I will be presenting at the American Association of Christian Counselors World Conference in Nashville. (www.worldconference.net) It is a God-cool opportunity to share with other mental health professionals about how they can best support and help those in the brain injury community. So, I thought I would [...]

Ten Things I Learned After Brain Injury

by Dr. Jeff HuxfordI would like to share ten things I have learned after a traumatic brain injury (TBI). But before I tell you what they are, I should first tell you something else.  I don't deserve credit for any of it!You see, for all of my life, I used my mind to learn new [...]

Suffering Produces Endurance…

By Michelle Cable "Can you tell me your name?" Silence. "Do you know when your birthday is?" Nothing. I didn’t know my birthday. I didn’t where I was or why I was there. I didn’t even know who I was. These thoughts flamed tears of sincere frustration that rushed down my face. It was beyond [...]

Fraction of Accomplishment

By Robert Lyons, Traumatic Brain Injury Survivor – 1990 It has been almost 27 years since my traumatic brain injury. On October 14, 1990, I fell down two flights of stairs and hit my head on a steel door at the bottom of the stairway. I was in a deep, non-responsive coma for seven weeks. [...]

Hope After Injury

by Lauren Medel When I was young my parents would constantly praise my for my intelligence.  Not one day went by when I wasn't reminded that smarts are more important than looks because "looks don't last" and smarts do.  Not one moment in my life did I not feel smart first and something else second.  [...]

Thursday, September 22 NTX Giving Day

Please take a moment and check out Hope After Brain Injury info!  Consider giving to our non-profit to provide assistance (counseling, education, consultation, conferences) for brain injury survivors and their families! So, highlight your calendar for Thursday, September 22 and swing by https://northtexasgivingday.org/npo/wwwhopeafterbraininjuryorg! Your donation will be matched by an anonymous donor up to [...]


HOPE is something that we all must aspire to achieve in our lives that will bounce off of our shoulders of someone like sunshine & become affixed to our minds.  We can gather hope, like I have for most of my life, from the negative situations that prevail in society at large.  There is discrimination, [...]


by Rebecca Trammell, TBI Survivor Being an organized individual was always a strong suit for me and among other positive qualities, they are not absent, just simply harder to access. Our brains are organized, complex, and structured. As babies, we quickly learned that crying brought a human face to notice us, or worse, we could [...]

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